
Effective 24 September 2019, in accordance with (IAW) CANCDTGEN 016-19, new Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Dress Instructions are in effect.

CANCDTGEN 016-19, which promulgates the Dress Instructions, superseding CATO 35-01 Sea Cadet Dress Instructions. It also specifies the dress standard of “Where possible, the Field Training Uniform and Sea Training Uniform should be the standard for training nights and dress uniforms only worn for COs parade and ceremonial occasions.”

Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Dress Instructions


Dress Instructions for Officers


    With the introduction of the Order of St. George Medal, there was a requirement to update the Order of Precedence for Cadet medals and decorations as outlined in ref. Following is the updated Order of Precedence for Cadet Medals and Decorations:
    • Cadet Award for Bravery;
    • Lord Strathcona Medal;
    • Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence;
    • Navy League of Canada Medal of Excellence;
    • The Major-General W.A. Howard;
    • Air Force Association Medal;
    • Army, Navy, and Air Force Veterans in Canada Cadet Medal of Merit;
    • The Order of St. George Medal;
    • Sea Cadet Service Medal;
    • Army Cadet Service Medal; and
    • Air Cadet Service Medal.

Sea Cadet Uniform Guidelines

  • Wear it with PRIDE !!!

Your uniform is the first thing that makes you identifiable as a Sea Cadet. When you wear your uniform, you stand out and people will notice you. It is important to always look your best in uniform. When you wear the uniform, you represent RCSCC AMPHION and Sea Cadets in general. You need to represent us with pride, and having a good-looking and properly worn uniform is a very important part of showing that pride.

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