Star Wars PDF Download
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Find your instrument on the chart and click on
the letter of the part you would like. Generally the following
applies:/Les quatre parties sont généralement présentées
comme suit
A=Melody-for more experienced players/Mélodie-pour
musiciens ayant plus d'expérience
B=Harmony-for intermediate players/Harmonie-pour
musiciens de niveau intermédiaire
C=Harmony/Bass Part-for beginner players/Harmonie
et (ou) Basse-pour musiciens débutants
D=Counter-melody/Harmony/Bass Part-for
intermediate to experienced players/Mélodie en contre-chant ou
Harmonie ou Basse-pour musiciens de niveau intermédiaire ou
Download all parts as a zipped file here/
Téléchargez toutes les pièces comme un fichier fermé la
fermeture éclair ici
When the movie "Star Wars" first
hit the movie theatres in 1977, there was a great deal of
speculation about success or failure of the movie. Even the
writer, director George Lucas had his doubts about the concept.
"Star Wars" was revolutionary in movie production both
because of the special effects used and the story revolving
around humans and aliens in another part of the galaxy. The
movie soon became a huge success and attracted millions of
viewers to the movie theatres. Following the success of
"Star Wars", George Lucas began production of the
sequel "The Empire Strikes Back". Released in 1980,
this movie also became a huge success. Often sequels do not
measure up to the viewers expectations but this was not the case
with the Star Wars movies. With the third movie in the trilogy
released in 1983, "Retum of the Jedi" was equally
The soundtrack for the movies was left in
the capable hands of John Williams who was introduced to George
Lucas through Steven Spielberg. George Lucas had written the
screenplays to common classical pieces and asked John Williams
to write pieces with a similar feel and mood. With compositions
such as the Star Wars theme and the Emperor's Theme, John
Williams proved himself to be a talented and insighfful
Some interesting facts about the production
of the original movie "Star Wars" is the fact that by
the standards of the time, "Star Wars" was a
relatively low budget movie. After the concept was tumed down by
two companies, a third saw the potential in a movie such as
"Star Wars". Also of interest is the discovery of
Harrison Ford who played Han Solo in the three movies. He was
working on the set as a carpenter and had not auditioned for the
part but was asked to read the lines of Han Solo during the
audition of four other actors and actresses. The parts of Luke
Skywalker, Princess Lea, Han Solo, Chewbacca and C3-PO were read
together to find the right combination of actors. Harrison Ford
read the part of Han Solo better than any other actor and was
immediately cast for the role. Interestingly enough, Harrison
Ford has gone on to be a highly successful and sought after
actor today.