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Find your instrument on the chart and click on
the letter of the part you would like. Generally the following
applies:/Les quatre parties sont généralement présentées
comme suit
A=Melody-for more experienced players/Mélodie-pour
musiciens ayant plus d'expérience
B=Harmony-for intermediate players/Harmonie-pour
musiciens de niveau intermédiaire
C=Harmony/Bass Part-for beginner players/Harmonie
et (ou) Basse-pour musiciens débutants
D=Counter-melody/Harmony/Bass Part-for
intermediate to experienced players/Mélodie en contre-chant ou
Harmonie ou Basse-pour musiciens de niveau intermédiaire ou
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Téléchargez toutes les pièces comme un fichier fermé la
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This simple march is taken from the opera,
"The Mercy Of Scipio", written in 1725 by Sir George
Frederic Handel. This composer is well known for his oratorio,
"The Messiah". This arrangement stays close to the
original four-part fomm written by Handel. The Iyrics, titled
"Toll For The Brave", were written by William Cowper
in 1782. When "Scipio" is played, the concept of
simple, square rhythms should be reinforced. The operatic origin
is shown in the melody which easily lends itself to being sung.
As Scipio was a Roman Centurion, this piece should be played
with grandeur and elegant phrasing, with plenty of emphasis on
the horizontal accented notes which show strength and power.
Handel was a well traveled Gemman who
studied in Italy and made his career in England. His music
reflected influences from all of these countries and he was
regarded as the best composer of his time. Handel was an
extremely corpulent man well known for his sense of humor.
However, he was also a strict music master. He reportedly once
held a recalcitrant soprano out a window until she agreed to
sing his operas the way he told her to. As the soprano was no
featherweight, Handel must have been strong as well as large. At
this time, singers were expected to be temperamental, and at one
public performance of Handel's works in 1727, two sopranos had a
fist fight on-stage despite the fact the Princess Caroline was
in attendance.
Although Handel was painted as a tyrant and
glutton by some, he made many jokes at the expense of public
figures and was well loved by the British people for his pious
and honorable nature, and was buried in Westminster Abbey in
1759. The slow march, Scipio, is played by Bntish and
Commonwealth Services bands, a fitting tribute to this great